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Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Contoh Pidato Isra Mi,raj Versi Bahasa Inggris

Dear Mr Lurah ...
Dear Mr. Chairman RW / RT ... ..
Dear Mr ... (The elder),
Ladies and presence that we respect,

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Thanks for the opportunity given to me to convey a message from the events of the greatness of our prophet "Muhammad." Let us praise the previous and gratitude to Allah SWT, for the blessings and grace bestowed on us all, so especially on this night we were all given the pleasure of physical and spiritual health to work together and listen to lectures religion as spiritual nourishment, to commemorate "Isra 'and Mi` raj "Great Prophet Muhammad.

Further, I extend our thanks to the maximum to all attendees who sincerely willing to ease the measures take time, to seek knowledge by listening to religious lectures which will soon be delivered by Mr. ... (Which Will Provide Speech / Lecture).

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